HARRIET CHAPEL - Catoctin Episcopal Parish

12625 Catoctin Furnace Road, Thurmont, Maryland 21788

 Phone: 301-271-4554    Email: HarrietChapelThurmont@gmail.com

Sunday Services 9:00 a.m. Followed by Fellowship in the Parish Hall

Welcome to 



Reaching out to all people

with God's love.

    God loves and accepts you as you are 

and so do we! 

We are a welcoming, friendly, family of Christians who embrace those who have never been to church; those who are returning after time away, and those from other faith traditions.  All are welcome here.

We see the power of God at work each week as we worship together, pray unceasingly and reach out to the community.

Harriet Chapel is pleased to welcome 

The Rev. Marti Steiner Unger, our new Priest in Charge  

I am deeply honored to be called to serve as priest-in-charge at Harriet Chapel, Catoctin Parish in Thurmont MD, beginning January 1st! I am both humbled and filled with joy for the opportunity to listen, work, walk, turn and grow towards a closer relationship with God, all of the people of Harriet Chapel, the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, and the greater community as we seek to deepen our understanding of God’s word and live out His calling in our lives!

Thank you to all who have been part of my faith journey this far for have been *very* blessed to be surrounded with so much love and support!

With faith, hope, and an open heart, I look forward to all that God has in store for us. May we strengthen each other in our spiritual journey, seeking to grow in love and service, to one another and to the world around us.

Please keep me and Rev. Dr. John in your prayers!

God is Good, All the Time

All the Time, God is Good!

Harriet Chapel, Catoctin Episcopal Parish was pleased to receive a grant of $20,000 from Delaplaine Foundation to upgrade the internet capability in the historic church. 

Pictured here, from left to right, are Marlene Young, Delaplaine Foundation President, Harriet Chapel members Elizabeth Shatto and Kathryn Hauser, and Phil Hammond, Delaplaine Foundation Board Member.