Pastor Sally’s Reflection

Fr. Doug is doing well and his operation seems to have been a success. He will be out for six weeks but part of that time he will be on vacation with his family. Please keep Fr. Doug and Beth in your prayers as he continues to recuperate. I will be with you until the end of July and then Fr. Doug and I will alternate months through October. The vestry, Fr. Doug and I are working on plans for what will happen after that.
Our long time parishioner, Tillie Dishong, has gone to her heavenly rest.  Her funeral will be on July 1st at 11 a.m. There will be a luncheon afterwards provided by the family but we would appreciate help setting up and serving the food. Tillie’s sister, Pat Plum, would appreciate your prayers.
If you are able to help make lunches for the camp run by the Rescue Mission for children in need in Northern Frederick County, please come to the church at 9 a.m. this Wednesday and/or Thursday. We need to make 35-40 lunches each day. We have the supplies, we just need some elves to pack lunch bags.
This will be Deacon Barbara and Bill’s last Sunday with us. Please join us as we wish them Godspeed on their journey out west and thank them for all they have done for our church. There will be a reception after church and we are putting together a “travel kit” filled with things we think they should take on their trip. If you’d like to add a surprise or a thank you note, please put them in Fr. Doug’s and my office before church on Sunday.
God bless you all!
Pastor Sally